Making an Investing Checklist

Today is Monday, June 13, 2022.

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Making an Investing Checklist

Creating a checklist before investing in a stock is important, said Phil Muscatello, host and founder of Stocks for Beginners, in a new episode of the Early Bird Podcast.

Reason: This checklist can provide important company metrics to help investors determine if a stock is worth investing in or not, according to Muscatello.

Details: Some of the items on the checklist include price-to-earnings ratio and free cash flow, according to Muscatello. Basically, you want to pick companies with strong balance sheets.

Being Fundamental: Muscatello said that fundamental analysis helps you determine what stocks to buy, whereas technical analysis tells you when to buy.

Final Thoughts: Why type of investments does Muscatello favor the most? Find out by listening to a new episode of the Early Bird podcast.


Notable Earnings Today: Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), Intellicheck (Nasdaq: IDN), Braze (Nasdaq: BRZE), Zedge (NYSEAMERICAN: ZDGE).

Notable IPOs Today: N/A.

Notable Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns Ending Today: Wealth Stack (StartEngine), Klinic (Wefunder).

Notable Economic Events Today: N/A.

Celsius Pauses Withdrawals, Token Plummets

Photo by Quantitatives / Unsplash

Cryptocurrency lending network Celsius abruptly paused all withdrawals, swaps, and transfers between accounts in an announcement on Sunday night.

Details: Citing “extreme market conditions,” Celsius wrote in a blog post that it is doing this in order to put the network in “a better position to honor, over time, its withdrawal obligations.” The network activated a clause in its Terms of Use to allow this process to occur.

Quote: “We understand that this news is difficult, but we believe that our decision to pause withdrawals, Swap, and transfers between accounts is the most responsible action we can take to protect our community.” - Celsius.

Numbers: News of the policy caused the Celsius token to lose over half of its price in a matter of minutes.

Bigger Picture: The announcement appears to have also caused other cryptos to drop in price. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano are all down 5%.

Final Thoughts: It’s been a rough year for crypto prices, but an entire network pausing like this - with no timetable for return - is really bad for crypto. If you are feeling adventurous, it might be a time to buy the dip in crypto.

Housing Stocks: Advantages in 2022

What are the top benefits of investing in housing stocks in 2022?

Mortgages: Mortgage rates are jumping. This spring, the average 30-year mortgage reached 5% for the first time in 4 years. Usually, rising rates would be a problem. But historically, this rate is still low, which is good because it will encourage demand.

Demand: Speaking of the demand, there is still strong demand for home ownership, particularly among millennials. This demand should help the market.

Final Thoughts: Housing stocks are down so far in 2022, although housing is not as bad as other sectors this year.

Trends to Watch

Cruise Away: Cruise-Line Pricing Is Lost at Sea (The Wall Street Journal)

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